Protocol Doesn’t Take Insurance. Here’s Why.

00:00Alright. Alright, you guys today, we are going to talk about why we don’t take insurance. This is Julie and Kara protocol sport systems. We get asked a ton about why we don’t take insurance. Because people always want to use our insurance for therapy. There’s a really big reason why, first of all, in […]
Hormones And Soft Tissue With Dr. Brook Leverone

00:00We’re a little squished in here today, but it’s okay. We all love each other. We’ve all been around each other a lot. So we’re good. Today you guys, we are talking hormones and soft tissue. Exciting, exciting. And we have a special guest. I know, right? Dr. Brooke Leverone is a hormone specialist. She […]
Finding The “Why” Of Your Injury

00:54Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTCOkay. Today we’re actually going to, hi Laurie. Welcome today. We’re actually going to talk about finding your why. It sounds really random as far as the tissue and soft tissue, but let me explain what I’m thinking about this. So, we have a lot of people who come into this clinic. […]
Hips Don’t Lie pt 2: What To Do About Your Hip Pain

00:26Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTCOkay. Yeah, we’re talking about the hips again. 00:29Mike Julian LMT, CAMTCSo. Not Just Where The Femur Meets The Acetabulum 00:30Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTCLast week, if you guys were with us last week, we talked about hip pain and what he had pain actually was. Remember, went by about like why we […]
Do I Have Tennis Elbow?

00:14Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTCWhy do we got an elbow here? 00:16Mike Julian LMT, CAMTCOkay. Well, I couldn’t just bring the elbow. So I brought the whole arm. 00:21Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTCFantastic. 00:21Mike Julian LMT, CAMTCCause we’re going to talk about elbows today. What is tennis elbow? What is golfer’s elbow? 00:25Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTCOr specifically […]