Mike Julian LMT, CAMTC
Oh, hi everybody. Welcome to tissue talk with Julie and Mike from Pro To Col sports systems.
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
Okay. And we’re live you guys. Hey, so, Hey, we’re coming from protocol today because we’ve been here getting ready for all the people that return. We can’t wait for having everybody back and actually get our hands on you this time, instead of doing all the tele-health. So we’re super excited today.

Nerve Pain
Hi Gustavo. Today we are talking about nerves because about this time, I think everybody’s getting on everybody else’s nerves. I know you’re getting on my nerves and I’m probably getting on everybody else’s nerves.
What about nerves? We’re going to talk about everything and why your nerves are getting on you. We have been getting a lot of phone calls lately about people who are having nerve pain.
Mike Julian LMT, CAMTC
There’s a lot of fear happening. I mean, people are scared. I’ve been through some nerve pain and it is a scary thing because it’s out of your control. It seems like it’s out of your control because it’s just driving pain.
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
Well, and you get pain like running down your arm, you’ll get pain running down your leg. I’ve had pain that has come into my toes. I’ve had pain that stopped him in my blood.
I’ve had pins that wrapped around the side and it’s really scary because it’s like this unknown and this mystery, and it’s really intimidating and that too. A lot of times they will, people will get nerve pain and they will not know what to do with it.
They’ll think like, oh my God, I have to go have surgery because surgery is always like the first in the mind for a lot of people.
Surgery For Nerve Pain May Not Be The Answer
Mike Julian LMT, CAMTC
They think that because they know their uncle went through it or their mother or somebody had a similar pain and they had to go have surgery.
Yeah. Not always the case. A lot of times we’re finding out right now, surgery is not the answer. There’s other, there’s other ways out, other than surgery. Yeah.
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
We’re going to talk about what it is and why. What we’re going to do is we’re going to first start talking about the nervous system, because without the nervous system, we would have no nerves and without the nerves, our muscles wouldn’t be able to move. They kind of go hand in hand. We’re going to start talking about that.
The first thing we’re going to talk about is the nervous system, it coordinates controls and communicates with our tissues with, like I said, without that our muscles would just be just there. They just be attached. The only way that we can actually have contractile movement is through the nervous system.
The nervous system tells the brain, the central nervous system gives it, gives it a command to say, Hey, like move my arm. I’d like to move my arm. The central nervous system sends it back down to the peripheral nervous systems, which is our arms and legs and the rest of our body and says, okay, move that arm.
The Nervous System Is The Command Center
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
We go and we move it. The beauty of that is we’re getting commands. It’s a command center, right? We’re getting commands sent left and right. All day long.
Mike Julian LMT, CAMTC
And information back out.
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
Yeah. There’s a watchdog group of like sensory neurons that are coming in and saying like, we need to move. We want to move there’s stuff that is voluntary. And there’s parts that are involuntary. Like our heart’s gonna beat on our own. Hopefully we don’t have to tell it to bleed, to beat all the time.
Our eyelids are always going to blink there. They don’t have to have direct commands. That’s all in the autonomic nervous system or somatic nervous system. My S my apologies. So let’s run through the nervous system. I’m nervous with all the talk of the nervous system.
The first thing we have is the central nervous system, right? That is your brain and your spinal cord. That is like the mother of all mothers. That is like where all the aliens hangout in the central nervous system. What’s happening is it regulates all of the body functions.
The Peripheral Nervous System
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
Rick’s response to all the external stimuli. It’s interpreting all of the sensory information and it’s sending out instructions left and right, just like we said, it talks again to the peripheral nervous system. Now the peripheral nervous system is the middleman network of motor and sensory fibers.
It connects to the central nervous system. What is doing is the brain sending signals back down the body, sending signals back up. It’s basically how we move, how we walk, how we do things that are voluntary. And there’s involuntary.
Our body was designed to move on its own. Thank God we breathe. We don’t have to tell ourselves to breathe all the time. Although sometimes we have to remind ourselves to breathe.
Mike Julian LMT, CAMTC
Well, some of this is just your brain processing all this information and making real reactions to whatever our information is coming up. Really what the pain and that kind of say, it’s a sensation that your brain is interpreting.
It’s just information. Your brain is interpreting. It’s going to make a reaction to that. It can be hormonal reactions or chemical changes in the body, all different things that aren’t a cascading effect as a result of let’s say pain or a kind of stimulus.
Autonomic Nervous System
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
Sure. That brings us to like the autonomic nervous system, which is the sympathetic and the parasympathetic, right. We’ve all been hearing. I don’t know about you. I hear a ton about it these days, because everybody is sitting in it all the time.
Everybody’s sitting in their sympathetic nervous system, which is that fight or flight. It is that overstress we’re stressed out like this all the time. When we’re doing that, everything tightens up, everything slows down, we’re ready to go at a moment’s notice our heart is beating way too hard. Whereas the parasympathetic is rest and digest.
It’s when everything has calmed down where we’re able to go to the bathroom again, we’re able to like calm things. Our body feels better. We can breathe. Yeah. Like we don’t have the brain fog that we had. We were just like,
Mike Julian LMT, CAMTC
Ooh. And you’re able to actually heal.
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
Right. So now we’re going to go. Sematic is basically all of the underground stuff that we don’t think of. It’s just, it’s just things that are happening without our.
Mike Julian LMT, CAMTC
Respond to what’s happening for the sympathetic principle.
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
Sure. That’s kind of what makes up our nervous system. Right? And so now we’ve got nerve pain. We’ve kind of figured out that the body is now going into an outmoded. Something is happening. That’s creating the compression into the nerve that sends the stimulus up to the brain. That’s like,
Mike Julian LMT, CAMTC
Whoa, this.
What is Nerve Impingement?
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
Is wrong. Yeah, we are hurting. So what actually is it? Again, a lot of people, when they first get an injury, they’ll either get it through the muscle. Something will hurt. Something will get impinged.
We hear the word impingement all the time. Right. So everything, everybody’s got an impingement somewhere. Let’s talk about the difference between impingement and entrapment. What is the difference?
Mike Julian LMT, CAMTC
Well, I’ve seen, I’ve looked up different on different resources and it seems to be actually used interchangeably or now whether they mean to use it interchangeably.
I don’t know, but it’s, I’ve seen it for even within a joint or in the disc for the spine within the spine there’s joints. They’re talking about they, on one hand, they’re saying it’s an a, it’s a, an impingement.
The other side, it’s the entrapment, this is almost interchangeable.
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
Right. Okay.
Mike Julian LMT, CAMTC
So it was being compressed. Yeah.
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
The neuro and basically what I, my, in my background, in my study, I’ve always known as an impingement to be more of the joint where the joint catches into the nerve root.
When it’s entrapped, it gets entrapped through muscle fiber or scar tissue or some type of fibrotic fibroids.
Mike Julian LMT, CAMTC
I’m on that line as well. Not just because I’m sitting next to you, but because I actually agree with it. Yeah.
Entrapment Or Impingement? It Could Be Either.
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
So, here’s the deal. It could be either. Or we all just know that it hurts, it’s pinching it pinches. It goes into the actual nerve root, the root that’s coming out of the spinal cord.
Sometimes we can actually get impingement trapped into the fibers that will actually put it in different spots. We’ll have running every time we activate or move, it’s caught, there’s a sheet.
Mike Julian LMT, CAMTC
You’re saying you can actually get entrapped within muscle fiber tissue, fiber.
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
Entrapment in the tissue fiber, or in scar tissue. Like, let’s say, you’ve had a surgery and they’ve cut you and everything is starting to heal. And it scars down. Now the sheath, you have a sheet that is outside of an actual nerve.
You have the nerve that kind of runs through the sheath. The sheath can get caught and then it tugs onto the nerve. What’s happening is where we normally have be able to move back and forth.
We have a tube that runs back and forth like this. It’s not moving anymore. It’d be like, if I’m just pulling on my S my t-shirt and it’s not going, it’s going to get Creek pain everywhere that it yanks on.
The Nerve Plexus
That’s the background of the issue of impingement versus entrapment, but let’s talk about the nerves, that’s themselves and like the different plexi. You guys will hear talk about the spinal nerves in a whole idea of the nerve plexus.
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
There’s four different main, what do I say? It’s basically, it’s where they’re inter group of intersecting nerves. You’ll have a bunch of different nerves that are running in and out at all. Your nerves are intertwined with one another. A lot of times the nerves, it’s never just one.
Hi, Jennifer. Hi John. Hi guys. I’m so happy to have all you guys on with the nerves. The nerves are like an intersecting highway, right? Here’s the cool thing about the nerves is you’ll always have, it’s never just, if I have my guy here who I’ve tried to destroy in past videos, these all yellow things that are coming out of it are all the nerves.
There are all the nerve roots. You’re never going to just have your you’re always going to have one that comes out, but they jump in and out depending. All of the nerve roots actually move in and out, up and down the body so that if, and they’re attached to each other so that if one nerve gets injured, the body can still move.
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
It’s really specifically done because the body is pretty amazing. It really does want you to keep.
Mike Julian LMT, CAMTC
When you really sever the whole thing, that’s when you’ll lose from below that.
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
Yeah. They have these things called the plexi, which is all of the intersecting nerves. Basically what it does is there are four of them. There are basically four of them.
They’ve combined the last two, but there’s the cervical plexus. There’s the brachial plexus, which is a really big one for most of us. There’s the lumbar and spinal, which most of them move into lumbar lumbosacral.
So there’s four main ones. If you go to the doctor, if you’re having it, those are the ones that you’re going to hear all the time.
Help For Sciatic Nerve Pain
What they are is they are composed of spinal nerves that branch out in the direction of organs and skeletal muscles that they innovate, right? Their job is to innervate it. We’re going to break down each plexus. We’re going to tell you what’s going on with that sciatic nerve that everybody seems to have.
Mike Julian LMT, CAMTC
Thoracic outlet, the harm, the radiating pain down the arm, particular pain.
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
We’ve heard. We hear about nerves all the time. Because we talked nerves, we talk about everything, soft tissue, but we get on everybody’s nerves and everybody gets on our nerves all the time. The one thing I will say, if you have sciatica, this is not sciatica.
Sciatica is a specific, actual nerve that runs in your butt and in your low back. So we’re going to break them down. With that, I want you guys to know if you’re having the pain, where it’s coming from really and what it does and that way you guys can be more empowered and educated so that if something goes on, we can really figure out why,
Taking Some Fear Of Nerve Pain Out
Mike Julian LMT, CAMTC
Maybe taking some of that fear out of that vagus pain is scary. If you can kind of understand why you’re getting, it might take some of that fear and actually can start to ratchet down some of the pain when you take the fear away from.
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
Yeah, because a lot of times just getting pressed on the nerve even let’s go, let’s go to the side for before we talk about nerves. So stupid. What about that? Everybody thinks that if they have a bulging disc, that it’s automatic surgery.
What happens is, again, if we’re going into here before we jumped through all of the nerves, we’ve all of these little bodies in between these vertebral bodies. There is what’s called your intro T roll disc. In the disc it’s lined, it’s got synovial fluid in it, but it’s lying. If you notice it comes right in front of anterior to these nerve roots.
As we move and groove, and if our posture is really bad, or if we’ve gotten into a lot of accidents or if we’re on a rollercoaster or we’ve gotten into a couple of car accidents where we’ve got a little whiplash, these guys get whipped around and there’s a lot of pain.
Vertebrae And Discs And Nerve Pain
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
I’m sorry, there’s a lot of movement that happens in the vertebrae and they kind of get shoved around. A lot of pressure is put into these disks. What’ll happen is you’ll get the discs that will start to kind of push out from one side to the other and it will bulge.
If you have a vertebrae, that’s sitting off just and shift it’s putting pressure onto the disc and that’s creating inflammation. That’s then putting inflammation into the nerve root. Okay.
Mike Julian LMT, CAMTC
Quite often that the disc will actually push out magically towards that nerve root tends not to push away from it. It tends to push,
The Root Of Nerve Pain
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
Right? What it does is it sits into the nerve root like this. From that nerve root, then it sends a signal like, oh crap, something is really bad going on. You’re feeling the nerve sending an oh, help me signal.
That doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re going to need surgery all the time. What it’s doing is it’s sending a signal that something is not working correctly in your body.
That means you get a chance to really correct your posture, or you get a chance to calm your muscles down because now the muscles are becoming involved because they’re guarding and everything else is like, and really, really tight.
We, what we want to do is we’re not doctors and we don’t even pretend to play one. We don’t, we don’t do anything. What we’re trying to do is just give you the education around what it is because the majority of time, unless you have something that has been like that for a long time, and either you have a bulging disc that won’t decompress on the nerve or a herniated disc, or you get into an accident of some type.
Intermittent Nerve Pain
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
A lot of times, what you can do is once the inflammation comes down from the nerve and or the posture, the vertebrae, the posture in the pelvis, everything goes right. What will happen is it will calm everything down.
That nerve pain will go away. That’s why a lot of people will have intermittent pain where it’s like some days they just wake up and they’re like, I’m in a lot of pain. It was after the day that they did a lot of shoving.
They did a lot of like, they were doing jujitsu. They got, they got put into a funky mood. They were jackhammering. Like they were cleaning the garage because everybody’s cleaning the garage.
Mike Julian LMT, CAMTC
It can be as simple as you slip on of water, just a little slip where you catch yourself, that sudden shift could manipulate a disc. When we shift the shift, the spinal column over just and start to impinge.
The good thing is what it’s all information. What help, what you need to do is talk to somebody who can help you interpret that information and guide you in the right direction,
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
But just have the information. So you know where it’s coming from. I think understanding what plexus and what vertebrae are being worked on, then you’ll know, Hey, if it’s in the front of my leg, it’s something completely different than if it’s in my butt, then you’ll know kind of where to guide them, because then you’re giving them a lot of help too.
The Cervical Plexus
We’re going to start with the cervical plexus, right? The cervical plexus is obviously in your neck because these are your cervical vertebrae and it is C1 through C5. Each vertebrae is given an number. There are five cervical, there are 12 thoracic. There are five lumbar vertebrae, sorry, seven cervical.
So seven cervical 12 thoracic. You wouldn’t believe I teach this on a daily basis, 12 thoracic and five lumbar vertebrae. I’m kind of smart, but I get me. I I’m blonde right now.

Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
So what can I say? C one through C five are your cervical plexus. That is right here. That means that those, the nerve roots that pop out of here, what they do is they innovate the muscles on the side of the neck and your diaphragm.
That’s why if people have had a lot of problems with their neck, they, and PR paralysis and whatnot happens up here and it’ll affect your breathing. The, you, we really want to be careful with a lot of these when we’re going through like our, a whiplash for car accidents, be careful with the cracking of the neck all of the time, because there’s a lot that goes on in here that it just intervates the sides of the neck. It innovates how we move it.
If we’re having issues in here, we could have, like, our head can kind of list to one side or curric over and, or we could have a lot of diaphragmatic issues as well.
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
If you are all of a sudden having a lot of problems here, it might be from here. One of our mentors, James was Laski, always teaches that if you are watering your plants and you’re missing your water, and you’ve got a big, long hose, and you’ve, if you go to the first kink and it’s got like five or six kinks in it, you’re never going to get more water out of it.
By going to the kink at the very end of the hose, you always want to start at the faucet and that would be your neck. You always want to think about starting at the faucet and working to the end of the hose.
Does that make sense? I hope it does with you guys. Hi, John, I’m glad you love this. You are my inspiration for this. Okay. So that is the cervical plexus.
The Brachial Plexus
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
Now your brachial plexus is like, that is almost the majority of people who are having any kind of upper shoulder, arm and hand issues. Your brachial plexus is where people get thoracic outlet syndrome.
So this is considered your thoracic outlet. This is your thorax, which is your chest. This is where all of your nerves come out, they come out from your nerve roots. They come under your clavicle. They go underneath your pec, major and minor. That’s how they innovate your arm and your hands.
They are C5 through T1, not a lot of space, but a lot, because see, you have seven vertebrae and you’re doing a lot of shifting and extending and moving, and you can get these things.
Mike Julian LMT, CAMTC
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
Yeah. All the.
Mike Julian LMT, CAMTC
Numbness, Tingling, and Achiness In The Brachial Plexus
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
Yeah. Not only do they compress right here, but they run out here. If you’re compressed in the front of your neck, with the muscles, your scalings and or sternocleidomastoid, and the front of your neck into your pack and pec, minor, which is driving your shoulder forward, this is going to end up with a lot of, you could have tingling.
You can have numberless, you can have that numberless, numbness and tingling and achiness, and that could be from your brachial plexus. The other thing we want to know too is when you’re having disc or impingement issues, most of the time it’s tingling, numbness or pain, there should be no weakness with it.
If you’re having weakness in anything, then you get to call your doctor immediately, because that is something really bad going on. And it.
Mike Julian LMT, CAMTC
Still doesn’t mean surgery.
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
It doesn’t, but it means it’s the next step. If you, all of a sudden are having diminished capacity to squeeze.
Mike Julian LMT, CAMTC
Or score.
Painless Weakness May Be A Nerve Issue
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
Hold, and it’s getting pain is one thing holding it. And I’ll take that. I take that back in a way where a lot of times you’ll have pain inhibition where you’ll have pain in your body’s like, oh, that really hurts. It’ll feel like weakness, but if you literally can’t squeeze your fingers together. There’s something else going on.
Mike Julian LMT, CAMTC
Another way to look at this painless weakness. You actually are not experiencing pain, but I can’t seem to hold, I can’t turn a door knob. I can’t seem to hold that coffee mug anymore. I’m just like, it’s just dropping. Yeah. But it’s not necessarily painful. That’s get to the doctor right away. Yeah.
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
Yeah. So, back to the brachial plexus, right? So we’ve got a C5 through T1. That’s your that’s in that thoracic outlet syndrome area. There are five branches that come off of this. This is really important to know, because this also is your carpal tunnel, your cubital tunnel, your elbow pain.
A lot of the time you have bicep pain. I have pain running down the back of my shoulder. There’s a lot of nerves in here that are really, really important. They’re all important. Some of them, we get a little more attention.
You have your axillary shortener, which is going into your deltoid and your teres minor, which is part of your rotator cuff back here, deltoid here, Terry’s minor back in here, you have your shortener with your, is your muscular nerve. And that is your C5 through C7. That is your shoulder and your elbow flexors.
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
Everything that’s flexing your shoulder and elbow, that’s a nerve that goes right to there. If you’re having that, there is something that goes on in there.
Mike Julian LMT, CAMTC
Does it seem complicated? It is totally complicated, but we’re trying to make it sound have something you can actually digest at least to have some understanding, but it is complicated.
The Radial, Median, and Ulnar Nerves
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
The next ones you’re going to know, the next ones are, is your radial nerve, your median nerve and your ulnar nerve. They come across here in your forearm. You’ve got your own that and your radius.
Your radial nerve is a long nerve. What it does is it innervates all of the muscles that extend the elbow, as well as the wrist and the fingers. It’s these guys, if you’re having pain in this, if you’re doing this and you’re having pain, the radial nerve, the median nerve, is your carpal tunnel.
The median nerve comes through the middle of the nerve and comes through. That’s where we get a lot of that. I have carpal tunnel problem.
Mike Julian LMT, CAMTC
What is called, what would be at like a, a way to describe what carpal tunnel feels like?
What Is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
Carpal tunnel is that constant pain in the wrist. Also, if you have carpal tunnel and you tend, you go into here and you tap on that, you will feel a pain in the wrist.
Mike Julian LMT, CAMTC
Typically when you get carpal tunnel, it’s going to affect these fingers, your thumb and index, and middle finger, not so much of the index or the ringing, the little finger it’s going to be these.
You’re not necessarily going to experience pain. You can, but you’ve got to get that numbness, tingling. Parasthesia you’re going to feel that stuff going in through here.
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
Right? Right. That is your median nerve, the median nerve. Also a lot of people get that and it goes right through the center. Guys is right in the center. It is the one that everybody thinks is carpal tunnel.
If they’re saying you have carpal tunnel start up here, because a lot of times it’s coming from up here instead of going from right here. Remember, you don’t ever want to scratch the itch. You want to figure out who bit you like, where did the bike come from? That’s what I did. I just read that one. You liked that one. That was a good one. I thought it was good.
Funny Bone Pain Is Not Funny
Speaking of funny, or going to the funny bone now, do you guys remember cracking your elbow? They have that pain that runs down your elbow. That’s actually your ulner nerve and that’s still in your neck.
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
Even though we have pain, don’t go down here, it’s coming from in.
Mike Julian LMT, CAMTC
Here. Just bang it right there. And it’s coming from right.
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
There. Right. It’s, but if you’re having pain, that’s hanging out in here. It is, it is coming from your neck. That passes between the, well, it passes between the bones in your elbow.
I’m not trying to complicate it too much, but together, they innervate the shoulder, the arm and the hand. If you’re having anything, going into your arm, hand into your fingers, if you’re the last three fingers in here, it’s coming through, you get here a lot. That is your thoracic outlet potentially. But that’s where these nerves intervene.
Surgery For Nerve Pain Is Not A Requirement
Mike Julian LMT, CAMTC
The bottom line is that just because you’re feeling pain doesn’t mean you have to have surgery and you need to talk to somebody who knows what they’re talking about to maybe again, interpret that information, that your body’s getting your brains receiving and figure out what exact, where is it coming from and see how quickly it can clear. A lot of these can be cleared very quickly. Yeah.
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
Again, a lot of it can be nerve entrapment instead of nerve impingement. It doesn’t necessarily need to mean that, hi Oliver, thank you. Not necessarily. Does it mean that it’s coming from your neck and there’s a really big problem with your neck?
It could be coming from the muscles because how are we holding ourselves these days? If I’m holding myself like this, I’m a ball of stress because I haven’t got funded because my stimulus check is at an end, because whatever is happening. Our shoulders are up into our ears. All of these are now overworking.
These muscles are working overtime. What’s happening is they’re compressing down onto the nerves and they’re sending signals. The nerves are like, and sometimes they just can’t, they can’t relax and they compress on the nerve. You want to go through all of the area here, all the way down.
Mike Julian LMT, CAMTC
Now we can talk about this for hours to want to go into lumbar.
The Lumbar Plexus And Spinal Plexus
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
Yeah. We’re going into lumbar now. We’re going into sciatic, nerve and femoral nerve. We’re going to just going to have, how do we fix it? So we’re coming to the end. I promise. There’s the light at the end of the tunnel.
You guys there’s the light at the end of the tunnel. So we’ve gone through cervical. We’ve gone through brachial, we’re into lumbar and sacral. A lot of times it’s your lumbar and your spinal or lumbosacral. They throw those two together.
What those are is those are your lumbar plexus and your spinal plexus, which basically what they do is it’s L one through L four and then L four through S four, because remember your sacrum is fused down there. Look at all the yellow that’s going on in there as a lot of nerves.
Remember, you’re sitting on these all the time. These are getting compressed.
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
These are getting compressed. If you’re doing a ton of sitting and or rotating or shifting, and this pelvis is shifting, it’s crunching into these.
Mike Julian LMT, CAMTC
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
Unfortunately it really is. Or if you’re, if your posture is really bad, you have your SSI joint that’s right here that will hit into your sacral plexus.
Mike Julian LMT, CAMTC
Well. So many ways to get so.
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
The big nerve that’s hanging on here, oh, the lumbar plexus. It enervates your pelvis and your thigh. So that’s your pelvis here. The front of your thigh is your lumbar. The sacral one is going into the thigh, the leg and the foot. That’s this guy that’s where sciatic nerve comes into play.
The front up here is more the front of the leg. The pelvis, this back here is into the thigh, the leg and the foot. You’re looking at more of the posterior side and or it wraps itself around the side of it. This is really an important part because you got to know that distinction between the two, the femoral nerve is a gigantic nerve.
It is a really large nerve, and it innervates the iliacus here. The quadriceps femoris, which is back in here. What we want to do is we want to make sure that if you’re having an issue in here or in here, that’s that femoral nerve.
Femoral Nerve Pain
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
If it’s running into your butt, it could easily be the femoral nerve. It works as well as like P tineas are torn, like a lot of the muscles that kind of come through in this area. You’ll have one that runs here and then it might run into the front of the leg on the inside could be femoral nerve. It’s not necessarily sciatic.
A lot of people assume it’s a sciatic nerve. No. No where no, where it’s going to, when you, when you’re, it’s compressed now, sciatic nerve dun duh. I had a nerve. This is the buzzword for everybody. Everybody’s got a sciatic nerve issue. Sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the body.
It’s like the circumference of this. We got a big pinky and that’s our nerve. We don’t have tiny little nerves. We’ve got a big nerve. It innervates your hamstrings and your adductor magnus, which is the inside of your leg.
About The Sciatic Nerve
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
If you’re feeling pain coming down this way in the back of the leg or in the inside of the leg, that is that’s true sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve is a bundling of two nerves. They split at the knee into separate branches.
With a go down into the knee, and then it will be like, oh, I feel it on the outside of my leg or the inside of my leg, sciatica, that’s your sciatic nerve. It splits into what’s called the tibial or the peroneal. If the outside is called the peroneal and that jumps down, the tibial nerve goes back into the backside of the leg and it integrates like your calves.
The Peroneal Nerve
The other one, the peroneal nerve is in the front side of the leg and it goes into extensors. If you’re trying to move your ankle and lift your ankle up, and you’re having a hard time doing it, call the doctor, but that is definitely a more sciatic nerve.
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
That’s coming from the base of your back, L three through S3, these guys right here, right there. That’s the base of your pain right there. We need to know where everything is.
The thing is with sciatica is it’s giving you direct pressure. You’re going to have shooting pain. You can have numbness and tingling, but if it’s direct on your it’s shooting pain, if it’s like numbness and tingling, it could be direct, but it could be from the inflammation as well.
So there’s a couple of different things. If you are getting weakness with the numbness, you cannot stand on your foot or on your toe, or you can not pull your foot up, call the doctor right away. That’s a big, big red flag, but for everything else, maybe it could be postural. It could be as the, as everything is rotated in here.
Fix Posture Issues To Fix Nerve Issues
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
As we’re kind of crunched in here, as the pelvis is moved and rotated, it can compress. If we’re doing a lot of anterior tilting this way, it’s compressing into those nerves. So there’s a lot of that too.
Mike Julian LMT, CAMTC
A lot of times it can just be a matter of repositioning, even just laying flat on the floor can help to calm things down. You might notice that it makes it better. These are good signs. If you can lay down flat and it starts to calm down, a really good sign, but still if you’re getting that weakness. Yeah.
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
Remember to their muscles surrounding it is going to be going into high guard because that’s its job it’s trying to protect you. We need to calm the muscle down around so that you can actually see what’s happening.
If you don’t call them the muscle down, then you could actually exacerbate issue by not putting everything back into neutral.
The body really does want to go into balance. It’s really important that it goes into balance. That’s important for it, no matter where you are. You want to make sure that if you’re squished into here and everything’s compressed, you push that back and you open that up to give this an opportunity to breathe.
Nerve Pain Takes A While To Heal
The other thing with nerve pain is it doesn’t go away like that. The reason why they say you’re getting on my nerves is because it’s taken a while. It takes a while for you to get less annoying.
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
And that’s how nerves work too. Unfortunately, once you’ve irritated them, the muscle is exhausted. Everything else is exhausted. The body doesn’t really know what is going on. It’s getting all these signals all the time. Sometimes it does take a while for it to calm down.
Mike Julian LMT, CAMTC
And think about it. If somebody is irritating you, they’ve been irritating you for a long time. Does it take much from them to irritate you now? It’s actually you’re right on the edge.
Always being irritated by them because it’s something that’s been non-natural, it’s much the same as what’s going on here. If you’ve been irritated for a long time, it just takes and he can send you down on the ground, right in your pain. I know because I’ve been there.
Getting Rid Of Nerve Pain
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
By, I mean, everything that we’ve had that we talk about, we’ve had it. I mean, I’m pretty much like the poster child for dysfunction, lucky me, but it makes me a really good therapist. Lucky you, Hey, so how do we get rid of it? How do we get rid of it?
Mike Julian LMT, CAMTC
Well, that’s what we’ve kind of been alluding to and favorite things sometimes with that sciatic pain, if you’re true and getting that side, when you’re laying flat on your back and your knees up in a 90 degree position, relaxing, there will help start to calm down and get some of that inflammation out.
Get Sympathetic Down To Parasympathetic
Get your sympathetic down into a parasympathetic, and then things, because you can at least start to breathe, right. To sort of calm down. That’s quick, it’s a quick little thing and starts to stretch it up. Find out if your pelvis is misaligned and start to get your pelvis realigned again, start taking the pressure off it.
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
A lot of times I promise you. If you’re having an issue up in here, we have to calm the muscle and the tissue around it. Even just to get to the area and figure out what it is.
Now, remember there can be nerve impingement, which means there’s a joint involvement, which means your vertebrate. Your vertebrae have joints. There’s ligaments in there that attach to each one.
If it’s rotated, it’s going to throw everything off. It could be your pelvis being off and that compresses it could be your neck.
It could be your upper trap, entrapping the nerve and pulling on the nerve sheath, the fibers getting pulled. We have to figure out what it is, but in order to do that, calming the muscle down and putting everything back into the right position.
Calm The Muscles And Stay Hydrated To Relieve Nerve Issues
Mike Julian LMT, CAMTC
Some of the simple things is that you, what led up to that, it’s usually not one thing. It just happened. You woke up and there it was, you woke up and there was, but why, what led up to how many years led up to that moment where you all of a sudden got pain and big things that we’ve noticed over time.
We’re just talking about this earlier: hydration. How much water are you drinking? Are you drinking maybe eight glasses or so of water? We need to stay hydrated. If we’re not hydrated.
We’re in this stress mode, everything’s going to start becoming a little stickier and that can be causing some of your pain as well. Sometimes it’s just hydrating and you can start to feel better.
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
Yeah. It’s like the difference between a chicken breast and beef jerky, that beef jerky is just dehydrated chicken. I mean, that’s what I mean. It’s baked or beef, beef, and regular beef, whatever. You know what I’m talking about?
The Human Body Is 80% Fluid
Give me a break. I haven’t eaten lunch yet. It all sounds good to me, but if we dehydrate something, then it makes it really tough to move. Remember, our body is 80% fluid.
We need our fluid to make everything work. Our blood, our joints, our synovial fluid, the circulation, everything works better when we have more fluid in us.
The biggest takeaway, while not, there’s not the biggest, one of the big takeaways in order to help sciatica, to help any kind of brachial plexus, thoracic outlet, let pain is to see and to take a personal inventory of how your body feels.
This is an opportunity for you to go inward instead of outward, which is where you’re in pain.
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
That’s what you want to do. I want you guys to really pay attention to how is my shoulder. If my shoulder is sitting up like this, you guys are going to know that this is not how it’s supposed to feel.
Check In With Your Body
Check your body. If, if you’re off, you may be sitting like a crab. You may be like in the letter C or S that’s your body’s reaction to pain.
If we can get you, if you can get yourself level, if we can get you level coming in and seeing somebody about it, getting yourself leveled out, going through and releasing and calming down, certain areas are going to be really, really helpful for that for the nerves.
It is going to take the nerves, the muscles are going to be exhausted because they’re sore because they’ve been working over time. Once that happens, everything will start to kind of go away.
Chronic Nerve Pain
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
If any type of nerve pain stays on and on and on, and it doesn’t go away, you need to see somebody for that. You have to, you can’t just wait on it because the nerve, when you compress a nerve after a while, it’s not getting any nutrients, it’s not getting any oxygen.
It’s certainly not getting any kind of sensory conversation from the brain, right. Except for pain. And it’ll shut it off. We want to make sure that we catch it before it, we have permanent results. If you’re having any kind of pain after a while, definitely go see the doctor.
So there you go. Yeah. I hope this was helpful for you. I hope you guys do it. We’re getting a ton. Like I said, with sciatica or sciatic pain, people are getting a lot of nerve pain that they think is sciatic pain. That’s running all over the body.
Sciatic Pain Is Not…

Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
This is not sciatic pain. This is not sciatic pain. The front of the leg is not sciatic pain. We want to make sure that you guys can understand the difference. If you have a lot of thoracic outlet pain here, open up your shoulder, try opening up your shoulder and stretching into your chest and your peck and stretching your neck.
If you can do that. The pain subsides and the mud and the pain drops down, then it’s a lot of times, it’s just a soft tissue issue. If you’re stretching into your low back and you’re stretching into the front of your legs, your hip flexors, you’re so much of the stuff that compresses us and keeps us flexed and your pain starts to go away. A lot of times, that’s a soft tissue issue.
Fix Your Posture To Fix Nerve Pain
Mike Julian LMT, CAMTC
If you’re getting all this information in your brain, that you’re experiencing all this pain, look at your posture, find out where you are.
If you could look in a mirror, once you calm down and realize, look at me or find out where you are and see if you can correct it on your own, what would be a better posture?
Sometimes that instantly starts to bring it down. At least maybe not take it away, but it’ll reduce it a lot. Yeah.
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
Yeah, absolutely. We hope that this has been really informative and educational for you. We love putting these things on.
So we do these every single week. If you guys haven’t figured that out yet, please share this with any of your friends that you think may want to see this, or hear this, or ask them to join tissue talk.
We would love to have as many people as possible. We can start talking about everything tissue because your tissues have issues and you need to talk about it.
Next week we will see you again at 1230. If you have any comments or any questions for us, leave them in the comment box or ask us. We can help you as much as possible. I hope you guys are doing great. Hey, guys learned really quickly. The phone’s already going. I hope you guys are having a great day.
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
Enjoy the sunshine, and we’ll see you next week at 1230.