Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
Let’s just jump in and get it. Today we are talking about posterior tilt. What the hell is it?
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
And why do we need it?
Mike Julian LMT, CAMTC
Low Back Pain And Posterior Tilt Issues San Diego

Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
Well, low back, but yes, low back pain. That’s why posterior tilt is something that all of us have heard. At least if you’ve gone to any kind of PT, if you’ve gone and any type of back issue whatsoever, somebody isn’t a buzzword, it’s a buzzword.
Mike Julian LMT, CAMTC
Some of you may have just experienced maybe a little back pain. Some people will never had low back pain. It’s amazing to me cause I’ve had some experience with low back pain since I was about eight years old.
It only up until within the last few years, I’ve actually been able to get out of bad, low back pain completely.
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
Yeah. Yeah. If you’re like me, you are tired of sitting on the couch and laying around. I have sat more in the last month than I think I’ve sat Sitting. It’s horrible.
Your hips and back, I know they’re talking to me right now. They’re like they have conversations with me daily. What we’re going to do is we’re going to talk low back pain today.
Instead of discussing what all of the possibilities might lead to low back pain, what we’re going to do is we’re going to first talk about the anatomy and the muscle structure of postures that contribute to it, right?
Because it’s really important that we understand everything that goes on around that pelvis.
All About The Pelvis
Mike Julian LMT, CAMTC
I think there’s a big misunderstanding or not in social media, but for people who go to see someone, they have things going on with their body and they go in to see someone to help them to get better.
And then they move on. Not truly having an understanding of their body, you would have these amazing things that were in all day long yet. Do we actually understand anything about them?
Yeah. I think a lot of people, I witnessed a lot of people taking it for granted. Not saying that you do, but there’s a lot of people who take this for granted. I know I have taken it for granted and you don’t really truly respect it for me until you experience pain.
You know all of a sudden, acutely aware that this structure or this thing is vulnerable and we had to fix it, which, and we could show you some interesting things about your body and teach you about that.
Mike Julian LMT, CAMTC
And then some ways to help it.
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
Yeah. And there, it really is. It’s, it’s, there’s nothing worse than going through the pain, going to see somebody for the pain, getting out of the pain temporarily and then having to come right back because you weren’t really taught the right way to address it so that the pain stays away or at least drops.
Mike Julian LMT, CAMTC
What’s happening. And why is it happening? Why are you doing the things you’re doing to get you out of that?
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
Right. So, today we’re going to start by talking about the posterior tilt. Okay? Like every, you have to get into posterior tilt. Everybody’s in the posterior tilt. You don’t have enough posterior tilt. What in the hell does posterior tilt mean?
Like what does it mean? Okay. Okay. First we’re going to start with the anatomy of the pelvis because it really starts in the pelvis. Right? The pelvis. Hey, we brought a friend today. I hope you guys are happy about that. The pelvis is the thing that makes up your low back and your hip area of your body.
That’s why it’s called the pelvic girdle. Hi Alan. I’m so happy that you’re watching. So jump on that. Here are the bony parts that make up the pelvis. You’ve got the two bones right here, right? You’ve got these two big alien bones. And that actually, these are all fused.
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
You have your pubis and your ischium and your ilium, and they actually form and fuse together to make these big, this big bone. In the backside, you got your sacrum, which are all the low vertebrae that are fused together.
You’ve got this little coccyx, which is your tailbone, which a lot of us actually bend, break or fall down on. That’s where you hit your tailbone. That’s what hurts. And it moves a lot. So this comes, this is your sacrum.
This is your ilium, right? We’re going to do this, the, where are the ileum and the sacred meat right in here is called your SSI joint. How many of you guys have heard SI joint?
I mean, it’s a pretty popular term, but how many of you guys actually know where the SII joint is? I mean, for a lot of people, they have no idea.
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
They’re just talking about SSI. Joint is like my SSI joint hurts. And I’m like, that’s not your joint. The joint remember is where two bones connect. It’s connected by ligaments that hold it together. You have your ileum and your sacrum inside.
Here’s your SSI joint. Here’s the cool part. Your pelvis bull, hold on your pelvis. When you’re supposed to be doing it, the movement of the pelvis, is it supposed to be able to rotate back and forth and then also going superior and inferior. It’s supposed to be going up and down and back and forth.
If it’s doing it correctly, that means we have efficient movement, right. That’s really, really important. You should be paying for it. Right? We have the SSI joint, but where do we always feel? The pain, these two little bumps right back here. These are the dimples on the base of your back.
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
You have these little spots when you pull the right down below your hips, you have these little bumps right here in your mind right now. Oh God, I don’t know if we’re ready for all of that, truthfully. I don’t know.
These little bumps right here that are called your posterior superior iliac spine, it’s your, it’s the posterior bump of your bone. That’s like where your SSI joint is. That’s where most people check for your SSI joint.
A lot of times when you’re hurting, one is sitting up high or one is sitting forward or rotated. When these are off, this gets to be painful. Okay? You have the backside, you have your sacred and you have your ileum, you have your PSIS and then you have these backside of your hip bones.
This is going to come into play later in the muscle structure. There’s a lot of stuff that attaches to these guys on the hips.
Attachment Points In The Hips And Pelvis
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
This is when you put your hands on the backside of your butt on the very top, you can feel the top of your hip bones right at the bottom of your waist. So this is called your iliac crest. Okay. It’s the top part of your pelvis.
You have the bones on the side. If we flip this over, these are the pokey parts that most people feel on their hip bones in the front. So this is your anterior side. You have to anterior superior iliac spine.
The reason why we’re talking about these guys is that this is where a lot of the muscles come in and attach. We have all of these muscles that attach from the front, the side, in the back. That’s what allows the pelvis to move the way it does. Right?
Again, the, if you’re doing lunges, if you’re walking, if you’re reaching down and picking something up, if you’re picking toys up off the floor, you need this pelvis to move .
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
If it doesn’t, all of the rest of this gets into pain pattern. And we don’t want that. So turning this guy back around, right? Here’s the sacrum here’s coxae here’s. This is your SSI joint. Look at what’s attached into it, or your lumbar vertebrae.
Now the way that the spine works is actually, as it’s going in and the body is meant to take up impact, right? This guy’s got a hunchback going on, so apologize, but you have a, what’s called a lordotic curve here.
You have that kyphotic curve here on teenagers. It actually looks like this. All of you guys playing video games all the time or texting. Yes. Well, Abdul, I like it. I’m not like that you have pain, but you are in luck today.
It goes into this little lumbar lordotic curve like this. This is where most of us are sitting, right?
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
If you notice it’s got a natural curve here, even with the pelvis in neutral, but for most of us, we’re sitting more like this. These lumbar vertebrae, if you notice these little yellow things that are coming out are your nerves.
What’ll happen is as these muscles start to contract, they start to kind of pinch these nerves off. We get pain down here, right? What they also do is they squish these little discs that are sitting down there waiting for a lot of impact and compression.
If we’re off our posture all the time, it’s putting a lot of pressure in places that shouldn’t be pressure.
Mike Julian LMT, CAMTC
Some of us know that pressure way too well, too familiar.
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
Right? So I’m going to pull that. We have a ton of muscles that attach to all the parts of the body, right? High Shea.
We it’s like a super highway of movement. Like we are moving back and forth. We are not two dimensional. We don’t just go forward and back. We are curving around. We are intertwining each other. We’re doing, we’re doing linear movements. We’re doing lateral movements. We’ve got everything working.
It’s just, the body is fascinating how it works. Right. So, bones don’t move on their own. Like this guy, he’s not moving. I mean, he’s a fake bone, but he’s still not going to move. Right. Because what makes bones move?
Mike Julian LMT, CAMTC
It’s missing all the things that will make it move. Right. Keep it all together.
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
Right. Which is the muscles, pull bones, the bones rotate around the joint and it pulls up and that’s how we move. It’s really and we need to know that because in order for this to happen, well, there’s nerves in there too, but that’s a whole nother class.
Good. I like the thumbs up on that one. It’s really important to know. Right. So, as we’re working and as we’re sitting and as we’re laying, and as we’re doing computer work and as we’re hunched over and we’re sitting for like, I mean, I’m, I sat for eight and a half hours on Sunday.
Seriously. Like sat doing, doing, setting up a curriculum for something else. It’s just ridiculous. My butt was killing me by the end of the day, the muscles and the pelvis in my thigh that attach up there. No, no, no.
How And Why The Pelvis Moves
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
They’re there to create movement of the hip and the knee joint. You’ve got all these muscles that attach into the pelvis right up into the low back. You’ve got the big glutes.
You’ve got the thighs, you’ve got the quads, you’ve got the adductors, you’ve got the hamstrings and they attached, but they’re there to create movement of the hip and the thigh or the hip and the knee.
So why does the back hurt? Like what does that have to do with anything? Why does the back hurt when everything is moved, making, creating movement from something completely different.
Mike Julian LMT, CAMTC
You haven’t been in a car accident, you haven’t fallen down, you haven’t done anything to necessarily hurt yourself, but now you wake up. The big one is I woke up and I was in pain. I did nothing. I woke up in pain.
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
For sure.
Mike Julian LMT, CAMTC
Why, why did that? Cause that’s what really, what we’re talking about here. Not somebody who had an accident, but someone who’s actually in pain. Right?
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
Well, and here’s the deal. You guys, all of those muscles, they all attach back into the pelvis and make the pelvis move forward and back and up and down and rotate and Tor and row and torsion and all that good stuff.
All of the muscles that we’re using overusing underusing are attaching back in. The pelvis is being pulled all over the place from that.
Mike Julian LMT, CAMTC
We are generated just by sitting here right now, we are generating an imbalance. Totally.
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
I mean, it’s exactly what’s happening, right? Let’s go into, let’s go to the muscles in the front of the thigh. Let’s do that. The front of the thigh, you have your big quadricep muscles. That’s the thigh muscles that we have on the front of the leg. Right.
They come up and they attach like up into here. One of them attaches right into here. We’ve got afters, which allow the legs to go in and out, which kind of hold the leg onto the body. These guys all attach like up into this area. If we’re looking at the backside or we have big hip flexors, we’ve got this big.
As that attaches down in here and the S and the TFL, which is another hip flexor that allows the knee to come up and rotate in that attaches right there. If we turn this guy back around, we’ve got these big hamstrings that are attached here, back into the backside of the total.
The Role Of The Hamstrings
Mike Julian LMT, CAMTC
And what do the hamstrings typically do? What are they, what are they? Even in just normal function, how are they? They’re normally pretty tight.
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
They’re normally taught not tight. Todd is different from tight because if the hamstrings are attached here, you guys, and this is a neutral space, and we’re going to take this and I’m taking the pelvis and I’m rotating it like this.
Give me an answer. There we go. I put these on stretch. Remember your hamstrings are now feeling really tight, but they’re not, they’re stretched out and they’re not getting the contraction that they need to feel normal again.
So they feel overly tight. We tend to do that when we stretch them again. As we’re stretching them, we’re really just elongating the we’re putting fuel on the fire, right? We’re stretching something that’s already been stretched.
Thank you for that heart. I love it. Stretching something that’s already been stretched, and we have to put it back into neutral.
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
Tight, short, tight would be your hips. Anything that hits into your quads, those thighs that we have one muscle in our quadriceps that attaches into your pelvis, and it’s called the rectus femoris.
And it’s a hip flexor. They’re really tight, what they’re doing is they’re pulling that pelvis forward. There’s that, there’s an imbalance that happens. So, here’s what I want to do. I want to talk about two muscles specifically today, because I can spend, I can literally, I can spend all day talking about everything I could spend all day.
I’m like, I’m such a goop, but today we’re talking about, so as, and we’re talking about QL and quadratus lumborum, and here’s why I want to talk about these two guys. So, as I think a lot of people have heard of SOAs, but I think people don’t have any idea who it is and where it lands and what it does.
The Iliopsoas

Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
Yeah, I know when I was wondering how to spell it, I said, I had to spell it iliopsoas because there were, I knew there was a P in there somewhere, and I had to make sure that it was so the psoas is really it’s your culture Elio.
As it’s your, so as major and your iliacus and the iliac, this is where the bone runs through. Right? It attaches to the bodies and the processes of the lower lumbar.
Mike Julian LMT, CAMTC
Not only that and whatever I’ve been at war aware of, is it actually interwoven with the disc themselves? It’s not just the bony structures, it’s interweaving with those discs. You think that muscle starts to pull tight, where’s it pulling up?
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
Yeah. That it attaches right into these guys of all of your lower lumbar vertebrae. It comes through, it attaches into the pelvis. Like it’s sitting into this little fossa right here, and then it winds itself down through and hits on the upper part of the lower leg of the leg.
Your quadricep, your thigh, your femur, whatever you want to call it, your leg bone, it’s sitting into your legs. Every time you raise and lower your leg, that’s the muscle that’s pulling that guy up. So, and secondly, with this, so as if the leg is standing, that’s when the back starts to move or the pelvis starts to move.
If the back is, or the leg is fixed, it’s going to pull the pelvis down. If we’re doing a lot of sitting all day, every day, multiple times a day, too much a day, all that good stuff.
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
This is weight sitting super tight and short, and it’s not getting the love that is needed. Right? That’s the front side on the backside attached to this guy, which is the iliac crest and attached to the lower lumbar right here.
Like, this is your quadratus lumborum. The Q L are on both sides of the back. It’s really people think it’s your back. One of your back muscles. It’s actually really just a posterior abdominal muscle. It’s like the most posterior abdominal muscle that you have super cool.
You have, so as on this side, QL on this side, sorry. So, you have a tug of war going on all the time if this is tight. This is going to be, this side is going to be tight because this side’s going to be short and tight. This is going to be a shortened week, right?
Mike Julian LMT, CAMTC
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
It’ll be, it’ll be tight because this side is tightening up. And then this side shortens, okay. Because remember the Q L’s job is to stabilize the pelvis amongst other things. So.
Mike Julian LMT, CAMTC
Here’s the question. If you have one site that’s short, you will have the inverse side.
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
Right? Right. That’s only when we’re working both sides at the same time, which is bilateral or unilateral. If this side is super tight on the front, what it’s going to do is it’s going to create this crazy imbalance.
Imbalance In The Body
This is going to be really long. This is going to be really short. That’s going to be short and both your backsides are going to be hurting like crazy. You’re going to be like, put my back hurts, Julie. My back hurts. I don’t want you poking me in the pelvis because my back hurts.
Here’s why, because there’s this tug of war going on with the front side and the back side of us all the time. What we, and here’s the other thing is we have a, so as minor, but only 40% of us have it. Its job actually is to do posterior tilt. So, now you’re probably asking me, cause I know you are, you’re asking me, why is my back.
Mike Julian LMT, CAMTC
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
Like what the hell is the posterior tilt? How’s that going to help my back?
Now you’ve given me all this anatomy, you’ve given me the tug of war scenario. That’s happening. I get it. You showed me this cool little spine guy with the hips and pelvis, which I love.
Here’s the deal when you’re sitting a lot here is your pelvis.
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
What do you think is happening there, guys? What is happening? Look at what is being shortened.
Look is what is being really overly stretched. All of that. I think I just ruined my pelvis. So, the reason why we’re telling you this is because back pain can actually be eradicated for a lot of postural stuff.
A lot of posture can prevent this pain from happening because of the fact is that most of it is muscular. If one side is too small or too short and hyperactive, the other side is elongated.
Remember that reciprocal inhibition that we talked about, you can’t contract two opposing muscle groups at the same time regarding movement. Otherwise you have to contract and you have no movement whatsoever.
If one side’s tight the other side, like, and so these are overstretched. They’re going to be crying because they’re not getting, they’re not in the body wants homeostasis, right?
Functional Posture – Posterior Tilt
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
It wants it to be neutral. It wants it to be balanced. And then there’s no balance. If there’s no balance going on, then the body doesn’t know what to do.
And so that’s where pain comes out. Remember we just talked about that on the last show with upper body. There’s this whole pain cycle that goes in because the body’s like, I don’t know what to do.
So how do we change this? How do we change this?
Mike Julian LMT, CAMTC
How do we make a change so that we can continue to hold those changes. Right.
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
Right. If you guys, a few guys have been watching, that I’m, we’re a big proponent of any type of posture and any type of functional stuff.
Remember if you’re sitting a lot and your glutes are overstretched. What you get to do is you get to start reactivating them. That means you are squeezing them. You’re sending a signal to the sensory receptors in that muscle and up into your brain.
Like I’m back here, guys. I’d like to actually work. You start squeezing your glutes from the inside, not your hands, I mean, squeezing somebody else’s glutes are great, but It’s not going to help you.
I mean, that’s why, when someone squeezes your glutes, it feels better for a second, but really in the long run, you have to squeeze your own and you gotta do it from the inside.
Mike Julian LMT, CAMTC
Oh, by somebody squeezing your glutes, you become acutely aware of where your glutes are. We often do get that glute amnesia. We forget, we forget where our new.
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
Yeah. Remember too, there’s this thing called ischemia. Right? It sucks. If your body ischemic, it means it doesn’t have a lock. It has a lack of blood flow.
Think about this when you’re squeezing your arm and you squeeze it really, really, really tight. You let go and it goes white for a second. That’s ischemic. So that’s the lack of blood flow.
Mike Julian LMT, CAMTC
On your arm. Can we see the one?
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
Yeah. Really watch. Cause I, I, I mean I’m white, but you can, there’s wider. There is wider to go. So, that’s actually what’s happening on the inside.
You really are just, it’s this lack of blood flow that’s happening and your body’s just like, I don’t know what to do. It just sits in a whole position and it just waits. Meanwhile, the muscles in the front of your leg, your quad, your thigh, that big hip flexor of the, so as which is attached to your low back, remember, and then these muscles in the front and the side are all just super short.
It’s if you take a rubber band and you take a rubber band and you just turn it and turn it and turn it, like you’ve got this, a regular rubber band, this is your muscle. It should be able to stretch and it should be able to contract.
Stretching And Strengthening Are Both Important
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
If you are shortening it and you’ve got one side that’s holding and the other side is just shortening and shortening and shortening, look at the contractile power that I have.
Now I can barely move it. And it’s really not that strong. If I let this go, it’s not going to give me a lot of power. If I let this go, I got a lot more power to,
Mike Julian LMT, CAMTC
The inverse of that is you’re overstretched. That’s where I have a weakness.
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
If you’re overstretched for a long period of time, it’s like leaving these guys out in the sun for a long time. And then they’re just like this.
They don’t really have that strength to drop back in. Does that make sense? I hope that makes sense. I’m weird like that with the rubber bands. How do we make sure that we are truly in posterior tilt and get out of pain?
Posterior tilt again, if you guys, if I missed it the first couple of times, what it does is it actually sets your pelvis backwards . It creates space in between your vertebrae and it helps the discs get lubricated.
It helps to lube up the disks with the synovial fluid and actually creates structure and imbalance. It actually helps to space out everything, right? Also in the front, it’s contracting these deep core muscles and creating a structure for us as part of our own girdle, our weight belt, so to speak.
Mike Julian LMT, CAMTC
Now, we’re not saying you got to walk around in full plus your tilt all the time. Cause.
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
You just look like old man pants,
Mike Julian LMT, CAMTC
Just trying to create balance back into, out of that imbalance of the anterior tilt corner of the poster till you find the nice balance between the two.
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
Exactly. First thing you guys can do is squeeze your glutes. What I want you to do is if you’re doing it, I want you guys, Hey, Gustavo, I want you to sit with your feet flat on the floor, and I want you to not put your hands right onto your thighs.
I want you to put them right on the top of your thighs, and I want you to squeeze just your glutes. I don’t want you to feel your quads moving at all. And yeah, exactly. We’re watching. I can see you.
If you’re doing that and you feel a lot of movement happening within your quads, your quad dominant, and what that means is your thighs are taking over those muscles have decided that they are the prime movers of this movement.
What we want is we want your glutes to work. If your butt’s working, then your, your quack steps and your thighs have to let go.
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
That’s going to be a huge help for somebody to like, just start to get into that position.
The other thing too is you want to think about pulling your belly button in, towards your spine.
The minute you pull your belly button in towards your spine, actually kind of tip your belt, your pelvis back,
Mike Julian LMT, CAMTC
Sit Up Tall and Pull Your Bellybutton In
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
Have to, and I don’t want you to round this. Isn’t about creating more of a crazy posture. It’s about sitting up tight, tall and pulling your belly button in.
If you think about it pulling up in like your belt buckle to your belly button, does everybody knows where their belly button is and everyone who has a belt buckle. You pull your belt, buckle up towards your belly button and everything drops back. What that does is it creates your weight though.
That will actually, it’s one of the quickest ways you can get out of low back pain. I swear to you, there’s another, there’s a couple of other hip flexor stretches that most people give where they put their foot behind their back.
And then they just lean forward. Tuck your butt under everything is about tucking. Your tail under it’s about really pulling from, but not just tucking, pulling up an Inn.
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
You’re taking your pubic bone and you’re pulling it up towards the belly button.
Mike Julian LMT, CAMTC
Now, some people have a very limited range of motion because of various infrastructural problems that are going on or issues that are going on.
They might have a more limited ability to go into that posterior tilt just because of one big thing is ankylosing spondylitis or where the bones are just because different other issues have come up, have fuses beginning to fuse together, and it’s limiting that range of motion.
You gotta check yourself, are you going into posterior tilt, look at a mirror, or have somebody look at you and see what you’re actually doing, because you might think you’re doing it. And you may not be doing that.
Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
A little tip here guys is, if you are looking in the mirror, you shouldn’t lose your height. If you’re dropping down, your knees are bending, you’re dropping down into it. You’re not hitting posterior tilt.
That’s how to get out of back pain like that. That in a nutshell, in a 30 minute nutshell, in a long nutshell, I guess in two nutshells is a way to get out of back pain. It’s not going to be for every type of back pain. There are way too many types. We’re right now, we’re not diagnosing anything.
We’re not doing any of that. We’re giving, we’re giving anatomy, we’re giving bony landmarks, we’re giving the basics, right? For those of us that are sitting on our butts, it’s going to help us get off of them and really help the back and hip situation.
Because the more we get ourselves into a neutral space, the more the body gets a chance to help itself and get back to where it is.
Mike Julian LMT, CAMTC
They should not. If you try this and you feel more pain and you try yet again and do about two or three times, and you still feel increasing amounts of pain, stop, don’t do this.
It may, it, may you be maybe one of those individuals who this is not for, and you need to do something different and you can contact us and we can start to help guide you to share. What’s really going on. It should feel better now.

Julie Pitois LMT, CAMTC
Yeah. If you guys know somebody who’s in back pain who has back pain, if somebody who’s just sitting on their butt all the time, pass this along to them, we would love to be able to help them out.
If anybody that might be interested in getting onto tissue talk, have them connect with us. We would love to have more people watching us during the day. And, and also if there’s anything that you guys want to talk about in particular, let us know because we’re all about it.
I am, we’re all about it. Next week. We’re going to be doing compensatory patterns and kinetic chain, which means up the body and down the body what’s happening in the back. Usually comes down the joint or goes up the joint.
Let’s figure out where you are and what’s going on. The other thing too real quick is if you guys are watching tomorrow, we’re going to put a tip into how to balance out your pelvis.